Friday, September 26, 2008

Turns out... I'm not superwoman

So as it turns out, I am not superwoman, nor am I impervious to illness. I finally got my first cold since having started my raw/vitamin/immune system kicking butt routine. I've been home, literally home at my parents' house, for almost 3 days now recouping on the couch and sleeping in my childhood bed --- quite a throwback.

I have to say though, I'm going a little stir crazy. It's only been one day that I haven't been able to run/exercise but the sedentary lifestyle is driving me a little nuts! I want to be going about my usual busy routine of running/showering/going to work and doing 1000 other things afterwards. Oddly enough, I'm looking forward to being back to this come Monday morning -- I thought I'd enjoy having some extreme downtime of sleep and no bothering with anything. Albeit, I probably do need the sleep. I think I've slept more in the last two nights here than I have in the last 4 or 5 months!

The cold came, as most do, at a horrible time. Work is swamped right now, our company having recently been acquired by IHS, a lot of my projects coming to a head, and I'd finally been starting to feel a little bit of a fire under my butt in terms of being motivated to work long and arduous hours at the office. I also missed out this week on some of the best parts of my job, a big annual strategy meeting with my team, and a conference in Montreal Canada that I've been planning on for months! What a week to miss :( But, I guess I don't get to pick when I get sick, and I need to be more careful about exposing myself to illness, especially while I'm still on chemo, and especially as we come into the winter months.

I suppose on the upside there is looking forward to the events of the next few weeks. As long as the rain holds out, I'll be at the Big E with my sisters and mom this weekend, and participating in a 5k cancer walk/run at UMass Memorial Hospital in Worcester on Sunday. Then next weekend I'm off to a retreat that I've been looking forward to for quite some time in the Berkshires. It's being run by Kris Carr (the author of 'Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips' and the person who helped get me motivated to not be beaten down by cancer at a young age) and should be a very relaxing yet re-energizing retreat. I will make sure and post afterwards about it. Then a few days after that it's off to Philly/DE again to see Jeff and my friends as we plan a joint birthday party! For anyone in the area and interested, let me know I'd love to see you! The plan is on Friday, Oct. 10th to head for dinner and drinks at a place in Philly then off to ESP: Terror Behind the Walls -- supposedly one of the scariest haunted houses in the US :) Sounds like fun to me!

Well that's all for now. I'm still waiting for pictures from the LiveStrong race Jeff and I participated in at the end of August and will post them as soon as I get copies!

Hope everyone is well, and I'm looking forward to feeling back to 100% (or as close to it as possible) and finally getting rid of this darn cold!

Be well!

1 comment:

Maribel y juan said...


Seguimos tu blog para ver como te va todo... Eres formidable.

Muchos besos.

Maribel y Juan