So, I've been a little slow in getting this second piece up here, but hopefully you all took that time to go and read some really interesting stuff on holistic medicine and raw foods :) j/k. Anyways, part 2 I think is pretty short and to the point.
After my diagnosis, I really thought that the best approach was a multi-faceted one and so I thought I would read a little into the world of immunotherapy and holistic medicine. I searched for a doc on my own for a couple of weeks, but really wanted to go to someone who I got a personal recommendation from, as I thought I'd feel more comfortable with someone like that. Luckily my Aunt recommended a guy who lives/works in central mass (actually only a few miles from where my brother and his family live). Dr. Jeff as we'll refer to him is a pretty kick ass guy. He started out as an M.D. working in a hospital in family practice I think for many years doing the whole western medicine thing. Then at some undisclosed point he decided that the western meds just weren't cutting it anymore and took a fervent interest in the world of eastern and holistic medicine. So really, for me, he is the best of both worlds -- a Dr. who understands everything my oncologists are saying and prescribing, yet at the same time one who knows that there are other underlying issues that factor into my immune system's deficiencies in dealing with mutating crazy cancer cells.
So I met with him shortly after I met Dr. Sato down in Philly and decided I'd add him to my arsenal. The first step was getting some background on my childhood and any exposure to different toxins. As it turns out there had been a pretty major thing in my past, though my mom and I forgot about it at the time we were with him, but there had been an EPA declared super-fund site (click if you're not sure what a superfund is) only a few blocks from where I grew up in W. Mass and I had played multiple sports on it, and also swam and played in the ground water that it has supposedly leaked into -- kinda creepy huh? Then we went ahead and I had a whole slew of blood tests done to check for any vitamin/mineral deficiencies that my body might be suffering from. Have I mentioned yet that I think it's completely ludicrous that you can have blood drawn for an oncologists purposes and everything can come back "normal" even though HELLO YOU HAVE CANCER -- that's not NORMAL! Anyways, these blood tests came back telling a different story, and one that quite frankly made a hell of a lot more sense to me.
Dr. Jeff and I went through the results and set up a system of vitamins/minerals and supplements that I should be taking to help even out, or rebalance my otherwise unbalanced body. For those of you who know a little bit about raw foods/optimal nutrition your body works best when it is in an alkaline state versus an acidic state, and my body was not very alkaline when I first started these changes.
Long story short, Dr. Jeff and I continue to work together trying to sort of decode the mystery of finding what missing link in my system allowed cancer to get through, it's an interesting journey. I find it very comforting and relaxing to have at least 1 doctor whose main goal is to help me feel good, energetic, healthy, and whole, and not to just attack the cancer cells, but to help rebuild a stronger body, stronger immune system, and overall stronger armor in my fight against cancer.
If anyone is interested in more details of my holistic experiences so far, or in raw foodism feel free to write/call/ or comment here :)
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