Happy Wednesday everyone!
It seems to have been quite some time since I last posted so I wanted to just type away to you all and tell you about what's be going on. As usual it's been quite busy, but for the most part in all very good ways! I'm also hoping to post along quite a few new pics for everyone to look at from some of the stuff I've been up to recently.
First off, cancer-wise things are going o.k. I'm gearing up (and by that I mean FREAKING OUT) about my next set of scans coming in November (Nov. 20th to be exact). I guess I shouldn't capitalize freaking out because its more like a mild case of scan-xiety so far, though judging from past experiences it will develop into a more fun raging beast of a case within the couple weeks before hand. This is what I consider my big scans of the winter -- if , scratch that,
WHEN everything comes back clean and good I will be able to breathe major relief and enjoy the entire holiday season with a little lighter load on my mind. So that's been on my mind a lot lately. I've also not been doing so hot on staying on the raw food band wagon the last 4 weeks or so (I'm still on most of the time, but on average I'd say I'm hanging on by the tips of my nails -- which aren't very long). Some of the time I've been very very good -- like while I was away at my awesome "Crazy Sexy Cancer Bootcamp" at Kripalu in the Berkshires of Mass (a beautiful yoga retreat center up in the mountains). (Check it out below!!)

The bootcamp was done by one of my favorite people who inspired me to pick myself up off the proverbial and literal floor -- Kris Carr, you all should really check her out she's quite inspirational. In any case, it was a crew of about 70-80 women (and 2 brave men) all of whom were touched by cancer in some way trying to reap the benefit of learning about ways to fight cancer through your nutrition/eating, manifesting and envisioning positivity (think the Secret), and through some pretty powerful sharing sessions. It may all sound a bit sappy to some, but in a lot of ways it made me feel re-inspired and rejuvenated in pursueing the path to wellness that I am trying to be on -- now whether or not I've followed it recently is a horse of a different color. I seem to have fallen into a bit of a lull with my raw foods, I still love buying and eating them, but I find my funds and my time tight and I wouldn't be lying if I said I wanted to ease up a bit on myself around my b-day and all the various celebrating that entailed (I had my first couple martinis that I've had since like February!).
(Kris and Terri from CSL below)

But I won't complain too much, I'm trying to get that back on track. Starting with my creation of a vision board the other night. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about wikipedia it, or google it and I'm sure you'll find loads of info. Mine is as organized as I like to think I am with some main foci and areas :)

So the first pic is my entire vision board (tilt head to the left :) ). It's a cool little thing that is supposed to help me focus on my goals and visualize and believe that all these good things have happened and are going to happen. The second pic is a close up of the center of my board which is the part I'm focusing on first and foremost -- having PERFECT HEALTH. I put up a picture of what a clear liver MRI looks like, and also what a clear tumor-free eye looks like as well :) . Since those scans are coming up soon I'm hoping this little middle section will definitely hold true. The third picture is of my love/relationship corner :) I've got a little pic of me and jeff and then some gushy girly stuff about true love, marriage, kids, etc...I'm glad it hasn't scared him off yet :) There is also a corner on there which has stuff related to eating right and taking care of my body with meditation, massage and green drinks :) I like it. I posted it right next to my bed so I have to see it every morning when I wake up and at night when I go to bed.
So what else has been going on you ask? Well I've finally hit the point in life where I know round-up to 30 officially...YIKES! I turned 26 just one -week ago today, and Jeff just turned 26 this past Sunday. We're really getting old :) I had such a fantastic birthday week though and wanted to thank my family and all my friends for making it so memorable. It started off with a cool week down in DE and a celebration with some of mine and Jeff's friends (special thanks to Andi and Jeff who drove up from DC area for the festivities!!). We went out for a nice dinner and then off to a haunted house at an old prison. It was pretty creepy and definitely fun :) And also very nice to be doing something other than just drinks and dinner for a b-day celebration.

Hehe. Some good pics there.
Anyways, after that it was back to Beantown for the night, not without some adventures while driving, as in my car deciding it didn't want to shift anymore and Jeff and I fearing for our lives as my brake pads were completely SHOT! But we made it back in one piece. So Sunday we were off to WMass to my parents place and out for some apple picking before the big b-day celebration with the fam. Check it out:

Apparently there's also an awesome picture of Jeff stuck up in a tree, but I have yet to see it :) It was a good time, but damn sunny and hot as anything! Not to mention there were hardly any apples :( I guess the orchard had lost 80% of its crops to frost and hail or something. All well.
Afterwards it was off to the Salem Crofts Inn for a little dinner with the entire family. How insane is this math 7 (the original fam) + 2 (new fam -- Jackie and Alexis) + 2 boyfriends (Jeff and Austin) + 1 grammy = a huge loud and crazy ass room. :) It was pretty awesome though. It's very infrequent that we get a chance to all get together and I'm glad that we were able to do for my b-day this year, it really meant a lot to me. Also my family, namely my sisters and my mom, spent copious amounts of effort trying to purchase cards/give gifts that would make me cry -- yes I know it sounds horrible, but really it's done out of love :) They always harp on me for giving essay-type cards with sappy messages that almost always trigger a few tears of joy, so I guess they figured it was time for reciprocation -- and they succeeded :) I was lucky I didn't burst into those big heaving sobs that I've experienced from time to time. But all the gifts were thoughtful and I was again so poignantly reminded of how much I love and cherish my family and how incredibly
lucky and
blessed I am to have them.
(Me and my sisters)

(The WHOLE family)

(Just the kids.. though I suppose we're not kids anymore)

(The original 7 of us. Good job rents!)

(And last but not least... Jeff in the
mandatory b-day hat!! hehe)

So that was the b-day extravaganza party, it was delicious food and delicious fun. I had my first ever Coldstone Creamery Ice Cream B-day cake, and I have to say it was the
one and only time all 12 of us were quiet!
That's most of the last month. My retreat was great, my b-day was great, Jeff is great, I am so-so. :) Trying to get back into the "great" camp. Though sometimes I think it may take just a few days of being down to be able to go back up. My blood tests are not in the great camp either the last couple times, and I now have to go back next week to get re-tested as I'm at "critical" level with my neutrophils (the all important part of your white blood cells that fight infections), and if I don't rebound or stabilize over the weekend I will need to stop my chemo for a couple days --- so I ask everyone to send some positive thoughts my way and help me get back on the track of good raw food, lots of rest and peace, and a strong immune system!
Love you all. And thanks to everyone for all the b-day well wishes!
Be well,
p.s. I will post those pictures from the Lance Armstrong Race that Jeff and I did in Philly finally :)